During the USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum, Cattie Litkowski, the farm income team lead for ERS, shared numbers from the recently released farm income forecast
When Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (DFW) launched the Wisconsin Dairy Athlete of the Month program in 2023, we knew there was an important connection between the hard work happening on family farms and the...
FARM employment has changed a lot over the years. In the past, farmers may have worked alongside their family and one or two farmhands. Now, dairies might have dozens of employees
Surely, our grandparents could not have envisioned a day when cow burps are regarded as culprits in global warming and nut-based beverages are viewed as sustainable alternatives to milk
As dairy farmers, we focus a lot of attention on milk prices and demand for dairy products, but the price and demand for beef also plays an important role in profitability and how we manage our herds
As the farm bill debate continues, examining how the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program has operated — particularly what has triggered payments under the program — is instructive
A local tragedy involving farm equipment provided the spark for an event in Canada to help farm women feel more confident about operating farm machinery, especially in emergency situations